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This is a free website by Holger Hub-bs, started May 23, 2024.

I am fortunate not to be trained in psychology or marketing. I am 57 years young and struggled my whole life: being unhappy, sick, not fitting in. Haven’t been to a doctor in ages, stopped drinking coffee years ago. I am not fanatic, I enjoy playfulness, nature, gentleness, in-team-a-see.

Too simple.

The problem with Life is that it is too simple to be happy!

I am not selling you anything; we are all whole and complete, but mistake ourself for the “me” that thinking and feeling assumes.

All of my words are concessions, they are just invitations to explore, understand, experience, confirm or reject.

Every little word could become a feast for the mind, a can of worms.

How to be on this website?

Relax, be gentle, read slowly.

The reading goes bi-directional: you look at wiggly symbols and mind processes them in mysterious ways, trying to make sense.

Our unhappiness, our sense of lack comes from overlooking the one who is looking.

The one who is looking is I, not me!

It is such a subtle discernment that makes all the difference, and it took so long to dis-cover that I am not a separate-self, tossed into a world of “other”.

If you can trust a little, read slowly, and gently observe your mind as well, with its judgments, fears, likes and dislikes. Just because… not to get anywhere, not to fix anything; this disinterested looking is powerful.

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