I don’t know

There are two “I don’t know”:

The lack of information in the mind and

the empty openness of effortless being.

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Presence, being home, as an acquired taste?
So precious to risk, to trust;
nothing at stake, but the dissolving of a lifelong imagined prison
(Thank you Magdi!).

Believing myself to be “me” I had no choice but to look outside for fulfillment and happiness; always hungry for more!

The suffering, the mess, the confusion came in because I was not happy in my own skin. I tried to find myself in thoughts and feelings; busy being busy.

Vibrational Awakening

Life is inter-human relationships. I find it enormously nurturing and inspiring to meet one another in Presence (i.e. at the GardenOfFriends.com or in Satsang, or here and now).

Not lost in the chit-chat of the mind, but still, open, available, vulnerable.
Shamelessly resting in being; effortlessly.

Instead, I always ran away from no-thing, it felt awkward when there was no content, when mind had nothing to do.

What an interesting thing this me-chanism of the person!
And how long we can suffer until we discover the happiness and joy that is our birthright, or true nature!

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