To expose the me-belief; not intimidated by thoughts, feelings, perceptions!
To be comfortable in my own skin, neither thinking with brain nor penis, but to be gentle, open, receptive and allow the magic of Life to take over.
Thank you Deanna, for touching my heart so deeply.
So amazing this feeling of being “safe with you”, so sweet, so delicious, priceless. Safe in myself, not two, no need to hide anything, nothing to defend, nothing missing!
I don’t need you
I don’t need you,
I don’t feel addicted to you as “another”,
Interesting how this body-mind works…
just thinking about you warms my chest.
I would love to be with you in this fullness:
laughing, dancing, getting stuff done and amazed
about the generosity and wisdom of Life.
Why not!
I don’t need much
Life can be so simple, when I don’t need to hunt for pleasure or run away from pain.
I am not looking for a relationship between two persons;
I’d love to forget about “me” and simply allow each moment to take care of itself.
Money can’t buy
It is priceless to be with friends free of expectations and attachment to outcome, friends who love truth; the end of suffering.
Quite amazing…